Nate Sroor

Nate Sroor

VP of Sales


Nate Sroor

Nate Sroor hails from the heartland of the midwestern United States, where he was nurtured in an environment that valued humility and hard work. From an early age, his enterprising spirit was evident; he sought not only to contribute to his community but also to turn a profit, demonstrating an uncanny knack for balancing social good with savvy business acumen.

Throughout his high school years, Nate dabbled in a range of entrepreneurial endeavors. Most notably, he delved into the lucrative market of reselling sneakers and streetwear. By the age of 18, he had successfully scaled the venture to an impressive $45,000 per month. Unfortunately, the unforeseen circumstances of 2020 led to the business's untimely demise.

Not one to be easily deterred, Nate pivoted his focus to the digital world. In 2022, he successfully sold his first online business, BLNK Slate Media. Following a stint in private equity, Nate has since transitioned into the role of VP of Sales at Zeus. Here, he combines his extensive experience with his relentless drive to contribute to the company's ambitious growth targets. His story stands as a testament to his resilience, adaptability, and ongoing quest for both personal and professional betterment.

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Nate Sroor

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